Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of ROI

Category Archives: Google

Google Ventures 2013 Year in Review

And what a year it was. Google Ventures put together a video showcasing their portfolio of companies they have invested in over the past year. And while there are many notables on the list of 75 new investments covering 225 companies, one in particular stood out to me. And that was FitStar. “Why FitStar?” you […]

Promoted Tweets and Collapsing Bridges

As any good AdWords agency knows, you have to be careful when running keyword and content targeted display ads. If not, you run the risk of having your ads appear next to a tragic event or a breaking news story, resulting in really ill-timed and inappropriate ad placement. Promoted tweets on Twitter are no different as FX […]


Searches are up for the term “reqruented” after reports that: ‘Todd Palin reqruented a massage therapist now busted for “prostitution”.’ The sex scandal was first published by the ENQUIRER, a ‘tabloid’ that broke the John Edwards affair. But this post is not really about the Palins or the scandalous accusations but about the term ‘reqruented’ […]

Google Adds Friends To Description

“You are known by the friends you keep” may be an old saying but it is finding new meaning in the world of search. Google is testing adding “Friends” in a gray text sub-headline when returning search results from Facebook. Every day, Google brings a little more of the social media world into the search […]